Virtual Conference
The 12th SCBTII
International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration In Business, Technology, Information and Innovation
July 28th, 2021 | Tokong Nanas Building Telkom University Indonesia

Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation
SCBTII 2021: ``Acceleration of Digital Innovation & Technology towards Society 5.0``
Data retrieved from the World Bank show that the pace of global economic growth in 2019 weakened to 3.6% from 3% in 2018. In 2021, economic growth in a number of developed countries is projected to slow down even more as trade wars continue to expand with the decline of globalization, and the increase of digitalization and financial risk. To deal with the global economic slowdown, the government introduced a policy of economic transformation in order to solve various challenges in the economy; this will lead to sustainable, competitive and quality growth. To support the transformation of Indonesia’s economy, support from various business sectors is needed. The business sector must have the ability to create sustainable competitive advantage. Companies must strive to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by synergizing management capabilities, mastery of technology and innovation strategies in order to adapt to external trends and events. Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Information and Innovation (SCBTII) 2021 is an international conference that brings together academics, professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, learners, and other related groups from around the world who have special interest in theories, practices as well as practices in the field of digital economy for global competitiveness. This conference provides opportunities for both the presenters and participants to exchange new ideas and experiences, establish research relations, and find global partners for future collaboration in order to effectively respond to social and technological development challenges.

Prof. Ashish Chandra
Prof. of Healthcare Administration
University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL), Houston, Texas, USA

Dr. Ir. Rina Djunita Pasaribu, M.Sc., CPM., EPC.
Vice Chancellor for Resources
Telkom University Indonesia
Call for Papers
Important Dates
Aim and Scope
- Economics and Policy Studies
- Start Up and Small Business Development
- Human Capital and Talent Development
- Knowledge Management
- Strategic Management and Marketing Decision Making
- Innovative Management
- Big Data and Data Sciences
- Data Mining
- E-Business
- E-Government
- E-Governance
- Internet of Things
- ICT for Society
- Human Computer Interaction
- Operations and Quality Management
- Performance Management
- Green Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- Corporate Finance
- Capital Market and Investment
- Financial Technology
- Market Discipline
- Behavioral Finance
- International Finance
- Risk Management
- Market Microstructure
- Business Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Sustainability
- Islamic Finance
- Financial Accounting
- Accounting Information System
- Managerial Accounting
- Capital Market
- Public Sector Accounting
- Islamic Accounting
- Social Accounting
Supported and Sponsored by
Supported and University Partner
Sponsored by
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+62 813-2022-6336 (Tarandhika)
+62 812-8874-4897 (Arum)
The 12th SCBTI International Conference 2021
Organized by