Hybrid Conference (Physical/In Person & Online)
The 14th SCBTII
International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration In Business, Technology, Information and Innovation
July 27th - 28th, 2023 | Telkom university landmark tower (TULT) Telkom University Campus Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Preserving the Sustainability of Business in Accelerated Digital Transformation and Transition Collide

Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation
SCBTII 2023: “Preserving the Sustainability of Business in Accelerated Digital Transformation and Transition Collide”
The COVID-19 pandemic had dealt a devastating blow to the SDGs, which were already off track before the pandemic forced the closure of schools, government services and workplaces worldwide. The pandemic erased more than four years of progress in eradicating poverty and pushing millions into extreme poverty. On the other hand, digital transformation rapidly creates a world of ever-faster technological developments. In response, every business must think of itself as a tech business. Companies need to re-design their processes and ensure their people have the skills needed for a world where we increasingly collaborate and work alongside capable and intelligent machines.
Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine has accelerated the schism and confrontation between the major global powers. Another point of tension is the US–China relations joining the trade, technological, economic, and geostrategic competition. This year will be more significant. But the world business before us is not divided into two concrete blocks. Instead, a full-scale reconfiguration of alliances is underway, which forces all other actors to reposition themselves about the new strategic competition dynamics and to seek out their own spaces in a global transformation. On the other hand, the green and the digital transitions, which seemed to work hand in hand towards building a more sustainable world, have collided.
Against this backdrop, universities, as academic institutions, play an essential role in educating and providing professional human resources and conducting high-quality research that benefits humanity. However, universities must take a more significant part and be innovative and creative in engaging and supporting the development opportunities and consolidation of the Global community. To embark on this role effectively, universities must always foster communication and discussion among academicians, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers under the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Academia, Government, Business, and Communities must increasingly cooperate to achieve academic and research excellence and constructive solutions to current business and economic issues.
Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Information, and Innovation (SCBTII) 2023 is an international conference that brings together academics, professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, learners, and other associated groups from all over the world that is interested in theories, as well as practices in the field of the digital economy for global competitiveness. This conference provides opportunities for presenters and participants to exchange new ideas and experiences, create research relationships, and find international partners for future collaboration to respond to economy, business, social and technological development challenges successfully and effectively for better life well-being.
Suhal Kusairi, Ph.D.
The 14th SCBTII 2023 Chairperson
Proceeding Book SCBTII 2023
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A, M.B.A
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy,
Republic of Indonesia






Important Dates
Main Topics
- Financial Accounting
- Accounting Information System
- Managerial Accounting
- Capital Market
- Public Sector Accounting
- Islamic Accounting in banking
- Social Accounting
- Big Data and Data Sciences
- Data Mining
- E-Business
- E-Government
- E-Governance
- Internet of Things
- ICT for Society
- Human Computer Interaction
- Operations and Quality Management
- Performance Management
- Green Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- Corporate Finance
- Capital Market and Investment
- Financial Technology
- Market Discipline
- Behavioural Finance
- International Finance
- Risk Management
- Market Microstructure
- Business Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Sustainability
- Islamic Finance
- Economics and Policy Studies
- Start Up and Small Business Development
- Human Capital and Talent Development
- Knowledge Management
- Strategic Management and Decision Making
- Innovation Management
Supported and Sponsored by
Supported and University Partner

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The 14th SCBTI International Conference 2023
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